Thursday, April 12, 2007

Coffee shop irksomeness

I walked passed a table with two cadets studying for what I'm sure was an upcoming philosophy test. They sat reviewing terms. "Wait, what is virtue?" one aked. "Oh well, that is a trait that someone values as being good," responded the other. "Then what's value?..." And on.

They may have well been reviewing terms for economics or physics. Philosophy is just another class here at the Academy. Few care about what it really means to be a "lover of wisdom." So many study as if these terms - like virtue, perfection, morality, evil, soul, justice, truth - have nothing to do with them. Should we ever be forced to come to terms with the age old question of good and bad, right and wrong, then I shall await some moral pacesetter of a teacher that will surely speak out against such blatant wickedness! To think, the student must judge for themselves!

Slap me sideways you who should ever find me reviewing philosophical terms for some debilitating quiz come philosophy 310.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Manly character, vigor, or spirit. -Virility
To think hard; ponder; meditate -Cogitate
A moving force; impulse; stimulus -Impetus
